Wellbeing - The Big Three
These are the three most common worries I am seeing in my current clients.
Assertiveness & Confidence
Do you find it really hard to say no?
Do you say “yes” when you really mean “no”, just to please the other person?
Are certain people needy, demanding or manipulative and expect you to drop everything?
If you answered yes, to any of the above, do we need to talk?
70% of people experience signs of physical or mental stress. Stress is an inevitable part of everyone’s life, and the demands on us are even harder when we expect too much from ourselves and others. We take on too much and there is a tipping point between normal levels of stress and being stressed to the point that you become burnt out, unproductive and overwhelmed. You may experience:
Chronic fatigue
Loss of concentration / memory problems
Anger management
Weight gain or loss
Digestive problems
High blood pressure
Low sexual desire / impotence
Weakened immune system
Muscle pain and tension
As you start to heal from trauma and pain, you will replace unhelpful survival behaviours with self-compassion and become the person you always wanted to be.
Other Worries
If you're struggling with any of the below, get in touch today to we can start to gently explore your feelings, looking to heal any trauma and pain, replacing those unhelpful survival behaviours with self-compassion in the road to becoming the person you always wanted to be.
Antisocial personality disorder
Attachment disorder in children
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
Children’s learning difficulties